Here’s what I want you to do.
Pour yourself a glass of water, in a glass MADE of glass. As in, not in a steel tumbler, or a ceramic mug, or your best silver ware. A real glass-glass!
Go already! (Don’t peek at the rest.)
Now that we’ve got that settled.
Hold it up to the light.
Appreciate it.
Swirl it.
Sniff it.
Okay, this is not meant to be gross or icky. I want you to hear me out.
See, I was doing the same thing today, when it struck me. That little sip that just went down my pipes has slipped between so many lips before mine. So many (and they didn’t all have to be human.). But really. My water’s been to more places, seen more things and experienced more than I ever have and will ever be able to. Its seeped into the tiniest of cracks, and probably been one among the many thousand little quantities of itself, that washed out the earth, when Noah was afloat.
Right. That’s all I have to say. No, there’s no moral, profound thought, inner truth or deep insight to be inferred from this.